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Writer's pictureL.M. Pierce

My Big Fat Update

What. A. Shit. Show.

Thanks summer, you've supplied me with enough nightmare fuel to get me through the next decade, so you could kindly stop. ANY TIME.

Trump continues to be a blight upon the human species, North Korea has penis envy, aaaaand there's a big ass tropical storm turning Texas into Water World.

I would like to announce a "fuck you" list, brought to you by the summer of 2017:

1. Fuck you, Drumpf, now and forever.

2. Fuck you, North Korea, for nationalistic worship of "might makes right" and the metaphorical AND literal shackling of your population.

3. Fuck you, Hurricane Harvey (except only a little, because I think we shoulder a good amount of the blame, amirite? *nudge nudge*)

4. Fuck you, every "ban" that's been brought to us this year. Yeah, fuck all of that.

This could get to be a long list, but there you go. My top "fuck you" recipients for 2017. So far.

IN OTHER NEWS: In my life, things are going pretty well, which feels supremely unfair considering how NOT well it's going for a lot of other people at the moment. I have been fortunate enough to have been invited onto some panels and I am going to be present at three events this fall:

1) Rose City Comic Con, Portland, Oregon

Book Booth & Say It On The Page! Panel

Friday, 4pm, Room 5

Moderated by Taylor Brooke

Panelists: Rosiee Thor, J.S. Fields, Lindsay Pierce

During Say It On The Page! we'll be discussing the importance of ID's on page. I've seen a lot of books explore sexualities without labeling them which can be extremely frustrating for Queer readers. The ability to see oneself on page is super important so that's what we'll be talking about.

2) Write with Pride, Seattle, Washington

With Romantic Elements: Writing and Reading Genre Fiction Mash-ups Panel

November 4th, Time/Location TBA

Moderator: Charli Coty

Panelists: Amanda Jean, L.M. Pierce, J.S. Fields, Taylor Barton, Ziggy Schutz

Readers and writers who enjoy stories where the LGBTQIA+ characters get the love they deserve, but that journey shares the spotlight with mysteries, space battles, and hard-hitting contemporary issues. Readers who are looking for something a little different than a Traditional Romance.

3) OryCon 39, Portland, Oregon

Book Booth with J.S. Fields

An awesome fan-run convention taking place at the Red Lion hotel in Jantzen Beach. I'll be sharing a book booth with the lovely J.S. Fields, so come on by and get some free swag and, of course, awesome books!

So it's going to be a busy fall. My other book The Valley of Howling Wind is in the hands of my beta readers and hopefully I will begin the querying process in October. I am also attending the PAX convention this weekend in Seattle and then I start back at my graduate program!

WHEW, I'm tired just looking at it all. So there you have it, my big fat update. I've also been watching a lot of British baking (you know the one) and been stuffing my face with modded recipes that are somewhat healthy - recipes to come!

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